Collection of World War Two black and white photographs colorized by Colourisehistory Group.

The strain and fatigue of 23 days on the line is shown by Marines of Combat Team ‘C’, 2/7th US Marines, 1st Marine Division seen here displaying Japanese battle flags captured during the Battle of Cape Gloucester. 14-15th January 1944. (Source USMC 71602. Colorized by Doug)

“Lucky Strike” c. 1944. The United States was the only country to equip its troops with an auto-loading rifle as the standard infantry weapon of WWII. It gave their troops a tremendous advantage in firepower, and led General George Patton to call the M1 Garand, “The greatest battle implement ever devised.” (Colorized by Paul Reynolds. Historic Military Photo Colourisations)

A Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) man in the bow of the rubber landing craft provides covering fire as a 10-man boat crew of the US Marine 3rd Raider Battalion reaches the undefended beach of Pavuvu in the Russell Islands during ‘Operation Cleanslate’. February 1943. (Source – USMC ID #: 54765. Colorized by Royston Leonard UK)

Focke Wulf FW-190A6 Nº20 of 4./Jagdgeschwader 54 (JG 54) on the airfield at Immola in Finland. 2nd of July 1944. (Source – SA-kuva. Colorized by Jared Enos)

A Chinese Nationalist soldier guards a row of Curtiss P-40 ‘Warhawks’ flown by the ‘Flying Tigers’ of the American Volunteer Group (AVG). July, 1942. (Source – National Archives and Records Administration – 535531. Colorized by Tom Thounaojam from India)

Soviet Air Force officers, Rufina Gasheva (848 night combat missions) and Nataly Meklin (980 night combat missions) decorated as ‘Heroes of the Soviet Union’ for their service with the famed ‘Night Witches’ unit during World War II. They stand in front of their Polikarpov Po-2 biplanes. (Colourisation and research by Olga Shirnina from Russia)

A Kriegsberichter (war correspondent) holding an Arriflex 35 2 1942 camera 35mm ACR 0292 and he is leaning against a knocked out Soviet BT-5 light tank. c.1940/41. (Colorized by Royston Leonard from the UK)

The crew of Avro Lancaster “C for Charlie” of No. 44 (Rhodesia) Squadron RAF, try to warm themselves in their Nissen hut quarters at Dunholme Lodge, Lincolnshire, England, after returning from a raid on Stuttgart, 2nd of March 1944. (Source – © IWM (CH 12379. Colorized by Paul Edwards)

United States Marines climbing down the nets into landing craft during the Battle of Peleliu, September-November 1944. (Photographer: Griffin Image courtesy of the United States Marine Corps History Division, Peleliu 117058. Colorized and researched by Benjamin Thomas from Australia)

Girls working on shell caps in a munitions factory, somewhere in England. 25th of May 1940. (Source – Gettys Images – Photographer, Paul Popper. Colorized by John Gulizia from America)

Medics of the US. 5th Infantry Division examining GI clothing found with German-captured equipment after the liberation of the area, near Diekirch in Luxembourg on the 20th of January 1945. (Source – SC-327129 Signal Corps Photo ETO-HQ-45-9223 -Horton. Colorized by Joey Van Meesen from the Netherlands)

Veronica Foster, (b.1922 – d.2000) popularly known as “Ronnie, the Bren Gun Girl”, was a Canadian icon representing nearly one million Canadian women who worked in the manufacturing plants that produced munitions and materiel during World War II. Colorized by Paul Reynolds. Historic Military Photo Colourisations)

An American Marine aiming his Garand M1 rifle, whilst perched on Japanese ammunition crates on the Island of Iwo Jima, c. February/March 1945. (Colourised by Royston Leonard from the UK)